Interview with MEP Jacek Saryusz-Wolski.
30 January 2014, Thursday night
TVP Info
Friday, January 31, 2014
Dignity, narrative, scenario, sovereign
Thursday, January 30, 2014
de facto
de facto
de facto
used by the spokeswoman of the Ministry of Sport
30 January 2014
TVP Info 10:18 PM CET
nie są gigantyczne
they are not gigantic
Used in relation to currency exchange rates. This one is a particularly good example. Here "gigantic" was used absolutely artificially. It should have been "małe" or "niewielkie", i.e. "small". You don't say "they are not gigantic" when you mean "small".
29 January 2014, 6:50 PM CET
TVP Info
Human being
human being, man
Used at least six times during the press conference of Antoni Macierewicz
TVP Info
29 January 2014, after 2 PM CET
de facto gigantic scenarios experience energy behavior compassion
From the interview of Piotr Kraśko with prime minister Donald Tusk in the channel TVP Info, 28 January 2014, around 8 PM CET. The whole interview took a little over 16 minutes.
keywords, first English, then Polish
scenario 9
experience 2
energy 3
de facto
behavior 2
compassion (empathy)
scenariusz konfrontacyjny
czarnych scenariuszy
optymistycznych scenariuszy
czarny scenariusz
ten scenariusz
scenariuszem możliwym
energię pozytywną
wielką energię społeczną
de facto
z wielką empatią
korupcja nie jest tak gigantyczna
radykalny i nagły zwrot
Monday, January 27, 2014
Gigantyczny głaz stoczył się na gospodarstwo. 4 tys. metrów sześciennych skały
Gigantic rock tumbled over a farm. 4 thousand cubic meters of rock
27 January 2014
27 January 2014
Na gigantycznym minusie. Najbardziej deficytowe filmy 2013
Gigantic losses. The biggest money-losing movies of 2013
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Political technology
25 January 2014 Washington Post
Anne Applebaum
Ukraine shows the ‘color revolution’ model is dead
In fact, corrupt oligarchs, backed by Russian money and Russian political technology, are a lot stronger than anyone ever expected them to be.
25 January 2014 Washington Post
Anne Applebaum
Ukraine shows the ‘color revolution’ model is dead
They have crafted a well-argued, well-funded, alternate narrative about Western economic decline and cultural decadence.
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Friday, January 24, 2014
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Gigantic times two
Gigantyczny potwór morski na plaży w USA? Gigantyczne oszustwo
2014-01-10 15:20 | Aktualizacja: 17:10
Gigantic sea monster on a USA beach? Gigantic hoax
10 January 2014
de facto
de facto
used by Dr Łukasz Adamski, an "expert on Ukraine"
23 January 2014
TVP Info 11:49 PM CET
W Japonii wyłowiono gigantyczną ośmiornicę...
Gigantic squid
23 January 2014
Polsat News 5:13 PM CET
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
de facto
TVP Info 8:55 PM CET
Expression de facto used by Armand Ryfiński
TVP Info 10:54 PM CET, Panorama Dnia
de facto used by Dmitrij Szmidt, Polsko-Ukraińska Izba-Gospodarcza, Polish-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce
Political technology
I am the author of the blog, where on Wednesday 22 January 2014 I wrote the following sentence. (I have taken down that article since then).
The Solidarity trade union was an entirely artificial creation of the communist political technologists.
Later the same day one of the Polish political technologists, Piotr Tymochowicz, appeared in the "Tak czy Nie" evening talk show together with a "trade union activist" Leszek Miętek in the tv channel Polsat News.
The word "gigantic" is now used very often. The transition to frequent usage of this word occurred last year, approximately several months ago.
Polish: gigantyczny, gigantyczna, gigantyczne
English: gigantic
TVP Info 4:17 PM CET
Expression used in an interview for the tv channel TVP Info by Zbigniew Ziobro.
Polsat News 7:15 PM CET, evening news
gigantyczna burza
English: gigantic storm
TVP1 7:50 PM CET, evening news Wiadomości
gigantyczny przemyt
English: gigantic contraband
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
de facto
de facto
in a newspaper article:
Rzeczpospolita, http://www.rp.pl/artykul/1079634.html
16 January 2014
Monday, January 20, 2014
tip of the iceberg
wierzchołek góry lodowej
tip of the iceberg
TVP2, Panorama news
Monday, 20 January 2014, 6:10 PM CET
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Friday, January 17, 2014
Deep in my soul I knew that...
W głębi duszy wiedziałem, że...
English: Deep in my soul I knew that...
Jacek Protasiewicz, Polsat News, 11:10 PM CET
Keyword: dusza, English: soul.
Thursday, January 16, 2014
De facto
Increased frequency of use of the expression "de facto" since the middle of last week, around 8 January 2014.