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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

empathy functionaries pretending

5 November 2014

TVP Info 11:32 AM CET
brak empatii
lack of empathy

TVP Info 2:09 PM CET
funkcjonariuszy kancelarii prezydenta
functionaries of the president's chancellery

(This is a new way of referring to officials employed in a well known public office which has not been used before. In Polish you would normally say e.g.  "urzędników kancelarii prezydenta" which could be translated as "officials of the president's chancellery". There is a good reason why the term "functionaries" is being used so often now to replace other words such "official" or "officer").

TVP Info 2:33 PM CET
pozorowanie dobrej woli
pretending to have good intentions (or "good will")